Part 1
Nocera Inferiore
Part 2
Castellammare di Stabia
Part 3 - Brooklyn
Frank & Elizabeth
Giuseppe & Petronilla
Ciro & Louisa
Carmela & Catello LaMura
Salvatore & Maria
Lanzara Ancestral Chart
Bonifacio Ancestral Chart
Lanzaro Ancestral Chart
Lanzaro Ancestral Chart
LaMura Ancestral Chart
Causes of Death
Email Me
Descendents of Giuseppe Lanzara and Petronilla Bonifacio
Last update 11/1/2024
Here you can view the actual documents I have in my research collection. They include birth, marriage and death
certificates or records, obituaries, military documents, applications for social security number (ss5),
the Social Security Death Index (ssdi), and the Social Security Applications and Claims Index (ssaci).
Although not actually documents, the SSDI is the information on the index cards for deceased Social Security recipients.
For a more detailed explanation, click here.
The SSACI picks up where the SSDI leaves off, with details such as birth date and parents names extracted from information filed with the Social Security Administration through the application or claims process.
In the case of the military records, many are registrations for the draft that men were required to obtain during World
War One and World War Two.
The "imm&nat" column contains documents pertaining to Immigration and Naturalization.
That same column might also have "last will". This is a copy of the individual's Last Will & Testament.
A word of caution. Anna Lee Waldo, the author of the historical novel Sacajawea, offered the following caveat to anyone who is researching old documents in order to ascertain the truth.
History has a way of being lost or misrepresented. Personal testimony has a way of being slanted or falsified to please the questioner. People die, so statements cannot be checked.
On the other hand, a statement in print tends to become fact when in truth it may not be fact at all, but only a myth written down.
Descendents of Giuseppe Lanzara and Petronilla Bonifacio
Maria Carmela Lanzaro LaMura (1869-1930) birth marriage death
Catello LaMura (1867-1943) birth marriage death
Rosa Luisa Lanzaro (1871-1871) birth death
Salvatore Lanzaro (1874-1914) birth marriage death
Maria Bellavigna Lanzaro (1882-1960) marriage ssaci
Joseph S. Lanzaro (1906-2000) birth marriage military ssaci
Helen Cascone Lanzaro (1906-1998) marriage ssdi ss5
Alma Lanzaro Chagnon (1908-2012) birth marriage ssdi
Emery Chagnon (1908-1975) birth marriage obit military ssdi
Dominick Lanzaro (1910-2000) marriage military ssdi
Sally Ferrara Cecere Lanzaro (1916-2002) marriage ssaci
Marianna Lanzaro (1876-1878) birth death
Ciro Lanzaro (1879-1881) death
Ciro Eugene Lanzaro (1881-1944) birth marriage death obit military imm&nat
Louisa Leier Lanzaro (1884-1920) birth marriage death obit
Petronella Lanzaro (1903-1905) birth death
Joseph A. Lanzaro Sr. (1905-1985) birth marriage obit military ssdi
Evelyn Winans Lanzaro (1907-1993) birth marriage obit ssdi
Jonathan Dayton Winans (1813-1900) marriage death
Sarah A. Patterson Winans (1824-1899) marriage
Isaac Winans (1850-1929) birth death obit last will
Jonathan Dayton Winans (1880-1927) marriage death obit military last will
Louise Anderson Winans Hines (1886-1963) marriage obit ssdi
Millard J. Hines (1888-1968) marriage obit military
Louise S. Winans Weaver (1909-1974) birth marriage death ssdi
Ernest Weaver (1907-1985) marriage obit
Jonathan Dayton Winans (1911-2000) birth marriage obit military ssdi
Catherine Tierney Winans (1908-1967) birth marriage obit
Lois E. Menny Mack Winans (1928-1999) marriage obit ssaci
Russell R. Winans (1913-1978) birth marriage obit military ssdi
Frances Cook Winans (1922-1944) marriage death obit
Delite Winans (1941- ) marriage
William McKinley Winans (1915-1936) death obit
(Male Infant) Winans (1916-1916) death
Marion Winans Davenport (1923-1996) birth marriage obit ssaci
Leroy A. Davenport (1923-2005) birth marriage obit military ssaci
Robert J. Winans, Sr. (1884-1955) marriage death military
Catherine Jones Winans (1887-1914) death
Blanche Taylor Winans (1880-1963) birth marriage death
Betty Lujean Winans Sharp (1917-1991) marriage ssaci
Abram Allin Sharp (1918-1997) marriage military ssaci
Robert J. Winans, Jr. (1924-2002) death military ssaci
Joseph A. Lanzaro Jr. (1930-2011) obit ssdi
Patricia Bertola Lanzaro (1965-1997) obit ssaci
Lori Lanzaro (1961-2014) obit
Louise M. Lanzaro Peterson (1932-2015) marriage obit
Peter H. Peterson Jr. (1929-2024) marriage obit
Peter H. Peterson Sr. (1905-1996) obit military ssdi
Ingelov Olsen Peterson (1905-1955)
Patricia M. Lanzaro (1933- ) marriage
Vincent Gentile Sr. (1931-2007) marriage obit military ssaci
Donald C. Lanzaro (1936-1959) obit
William M. Lanzaro (1938-2011) marriage obit ssdi
Lawrence V. Lanzaro, Sr. (1906-1994) birth marriage obit military ssdi
Philomena DellaPietro Lanzaro (1913-1987) marriage obit ssdi
Lawrence V. Lanzaro, Jr. (1954-2018) obit
Catello R. Lanzaro (1908-1981) birth marriage obit military ssdi
Genevieve A. Durante Lanzaro (1912-1972) birth marriage death ssdi
Luca Durante (1858- ) imm&nat
Annunziata di Lorenzo Durante (1860-1932) death imm&nat
Lorenzo (Lawrence) R. Durante Sr. (1882-1947) death obit military imm&nat
Rose F. Ellison Durante (1891-1963) obit ssdi
Lorenzo (Lawrence) DiSanto (1856-1938) marriage death obit imm&nat
Maria Guerrero DiSanto ( )
Paolo DiSanto (1880-1957) birth death obit military ssaci
Jane (Jennie) Ellison DiSanto (1864-1922) birth marriage death obit imm&nat
George Siegrist ( ) marriage
Pasqualine (Nancy) DiSanto Evans (1896-1966) birth marriage ssdi
Clifford Evans (1894-1957) marriage death obit military
Lawrence J. Evans (1920-1993) birth military ssaci
William C. Evans (1922-1980) birth military ssaci
George T. Evans (1923-2004) birth obit military ssaci
(Female) DiSanto (1898-1898) birth
George DiSanto (1900-1918) birth death obit
John DiSanto (1905-1974) birth obit military ssdi
Mary Durante Centimole (1908-1972) birth marriage obit ssdi
John J. Centimole (1908-1983) marriage obit military
Helen Durante Wichowski (1910-1984) birth marriage obit ssdi
Charles Wichowski (1910-1985) marriage obit military ssdi
Loretta I. Durante (1915-1992) birth obit ssdi
Antoinette Durante Vecchio (1918-1998) birth death ssdi
Joseph L. Vecchio (1907-1997) death military ssdi
Luke A. Durante (1921-1986) birth marriage obit military ssdi
Mathilda Vitkosky Durante (1925-2013) marriage death obit
George T. Durante (1924-1944) obit military
Lawrence R. Durante Jr. (1928-1954) marriage death obit
Carmella Tomasello Durante Dzwil (1929-2016) marriage death obit
Joseph W. Dzwil (1925-2012) marriage obit military ssdi
Eugene C. Lanzaro (1931-1992) ssaci
Myrtle Friend Lanzaro (1923-2004) ssaci
Richard J. Lanzaro (1937-1974) obit military ssdi
Carmela P. Lanzaro Lau (1910-1961) birth marriage death obit
William A. Lau (1892-1962) birth marriage obit military
Robert E. Lau (1938-2007) death obit ssaci
William A. Lau II (1966-1982) death obit
Kevin McConnell (1962-2012) obit
William F. Lau (1940-1985) marriage death obit military ssaci
Debra L. Lau (1966-1992) obit ssaci
Lillian V. Donahue Lau Hayes (1896-1991) death obit
William J. Lau (1917-1986) death military ssdi
Catherine M. Bell Lau (1921-1999) death obit
Gerard J. Lau (1919-1991) marriage death obit military ssaci
Eleanor M. Kavanagh Lau (1917-1999) marriage death obit ssaci
Marguerite L. Lau Bojna (1943- ) marriage
Stanley V. Bojna (1928-1997) marriage death obit
Gerard J. Lau Jr. (1947-2010) marriage obit ssdi
Muriel Lau Kavanagh (1922-2011) marriage death ssdi
William P. Kavanagh (1916-1995) marriage death military ssaci
Albert H. Lau (1860-1938) marriage death obit
Anna Oeckler Lau (1867- ) marriage
1. Augusta Lau Johnson Miller (1888-1972) birth ssaci
Henry Johnson (1885-1932) death obit military
Viola Anne Johnson (1916-1994) marriage death obit ssaci
Louis A. Dalwin (1911-1984) marriage death obit military
Joseph F. Alampi (1915-2000) death obit military ssaci
2. Charles A. Lau (1890-1891) birth death
3. Billie Lau (1891- )
4. William A. Lau (1892-1962) - see above
5. Annie Lau (1894-1895) death
6. Anna Lau Wilhelms (1895-1952) birth marriage death
John Wilhelms (1891-1930) marriage death military
Albert G. Wilhelms (1911-1977) marriage military ssdi
7. Grechen L. Lau (1898- ) birth
8. Albert H. Lau (1899-1982) birth marriage death military ssdi
Mary McPartland Lau Johnson (1898-1933) marriage death
Marie B. Timms Lau (1902-1988) birth marriage death
Marie Agnes Lau Verhoogen (1917-1996) birth marriage death obit ssaci
Robert F. Verhoogen (1916-1996) marriage obit military ssaci
Joan L. Verhoogen MacLean (1941- ) marriage
Donald C. MacLean (1940- ) marriage
Eileen F. Verhoogen Bolt (1943-2013) marriage death obit
John M. Bolt (1944-2020) birth marriage death
John A. (Jack) Lau (1920-1991) marriage death obit military ssaci
Jane M. Yates Lau (1920-2007) marriage death obit ssdi
John A. (Skip) Lau (1949-2000) obit military ssdi
Eugene Lanzaro (1913-2000) birth marriage death obit military ssaci ss5
Ann Cannizzaro Lanzaro (1921-2009) birth marriage obit ssdi
Salvatore Cannizzaro (1891-1953) marriage death obit
Francesca Russo Cannizzaro (1895-1968) marriage death obit
Salvatore Lanzaro (1915-1916) birth death
Salvatore Lanzaro (1917-1917) birth death
Francis Lanzaro (1918-1921) birth death
Catherine Lanzaro (1895-1896) death
Annie Lanzaro (1896-1896) death
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