Bertha Farber Lanzaro Obituary
Born in Lehe Germany on October 24, 1895; Died November 2, 1970, age 75, in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Spouse: John Lanzaro; Father: Wilhelm Farber; Mother: Johanna Duser.
![Bertha Farber Lanzaro Obituary](berthalanzaroobit2.jpg)
![Bertha Farber Lanzaro Obituary](berthalanzaroobit.jpg)
![Bertha Farber Lanzaro Obituary](berthalanzaroobit3.jpg)
There appears to be a discrepency about the location of the cemetery where she was interred.
The first two obits say St. Michael's Cemetery, which is in the Stratford section of Bridgeport, Connecticut.
The third one says she was sent back to New York and buried at Cypress Hills Cemetery on the Brooklyn/Queens border.
I emailed Cypress Hills in April 2019, but they couldn't find her in their records.
I then contacted St. Michael's and they verified that she is indeed buried in their cemetery.