941 Newkirk Avenue
Tax Photo Circa 1940
This was where little Frankie was living when he died at the hospital in Manhattan. It is the home of his grandmother, Amelia Leier, Louisa’s mother.
Louisa contracted tuberculosis about a year after Frankie was born. She was sent to a TB clinic in Scotch Plains, NJ, where she stayed until her death over a year later.
One can only conjecture that when it became obvious that Louisa was not returning home any time soon, the families decided it would be better for the baby to be with his
54-year-old grandmother in Brooklyn than on a farm in the “sticks”.
Between 1939 and 1941, New York City photographed every building in the five boroughs for tax purposes. This photo of the building at 941 Newkirk Avenue is
from that collection.