91 Second Place
Tax Photo Circa 1940
This, the building in the center, was the home of Petronilla, Ciro, Louisa, Joe, Larry and Cat from 1909 to 1914.
It was a 3-story brownstone with 12 rooms plus a basement.
Carmela (Toots) and my father Gene were born here.
Ciro owned the building, but probably rented out some of the rooms to tenants. Catello and Carmela LaMura
lived with them, also, along with their seven children (Joe, Concetta, Millie, Frank, Anna, Reggie, and Mike).
In 1914, Ciro traded the building to the Hossach Brothers for a 35-acre farm in Morganville, NJ.
Between 1939 and 1941, New York City photographed every building in the five boroughs for tax purposes.
This photo of the building at 91 Second Place is from that collection.