1905 50th Street
Tax Photo Circa 1940
Bill and Lillian separated in June of 1929. At the time, William was 11, Gerard 9 and Muriel 6. By 1930, Bill was living here at 1905 50th Street in Brooklyn.
Living with Bill was his mother and father, Albert and Annie, apparently reconciled. Also living here were Bill's two sons, William and Gerard, and
Bill's widowed sister Anna Williams and her son Albert J. Williams (18). At the same time, Lillian and her daughter Muriel were living with Lillian's
sister and brother-in-law, Margaret and Harold Chilton, at 615 68th Street in Brooklyn. Bill and Lillian finally divorced in 1933.
Between 1939 and 1941, New York City photographed every building in the five boroughs for tax purposes. This photo of the building at 1905 50th Street is
from that collection.